Rob Carlton & Jof Mehaffey achieve qualified airport wildlife biologist certification
March 31, 2016 · Accolades, People

GMC Environmental team members Rob Carlton and Jof Mehaffey were recently awarded the title of Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologist through the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The certification was awarded following the successful completion of the requirements stipulated under the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5200-36A. This AC requires individuals to obtain certain education, training and experience in order to perform Wildlife Hazard Assessments, Wildlife Hazard Management Plans and Wildlife Hazard Management Training at FAA-certificated airports.
Carlton and Mehaffey have been working to achieve this certification for three years in hopes of strengthening both the Environmental and Airport Divisions and expanding their list of services. They completed their first two Wildlife Hazard Assessments for the Montgomery Regional Airport and the South Carolina Technology and Aviation Center as part of the mentorship requirements.