Cullman Regional Airport to overhaul terminal apron
January 15, 2023 · Projects

The Cullman Regional Airport has officially received funding to begin rehabilitative work of its concrete terminal apron.
The 10,000-square-foot concrete terminal apron is the center of activity for based and transient aircraft at the Cullman Regional Airport. It connects hangars at the airport field’s edge with the taxiway area and main runway, and functions as the staging area to support aircraft access for parking, maintenance, and other routine airport activity.
Goodwyn Mills Cawood (GMC) serves as the airport engineer and planning consultant for Cullman Regional Airport and is leading the rehabilitation project.
The terminal apron pavement is in desperate need of rehabilitation as the concrete apron has areas of joint spalling, or areas that have cracked and delaminated, that are beginning to produce foreign object debris that could be potentially harmful. This project will help repair these areas and reseal the pavement joints.
The project is being funded under FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) with 90% FAA funding, 5% ALDOT funding and 5% local funding split between the city and county. Construction will begin on the project later this summer and should be completed by early fall.