Auburn, Alabama
GMC provided design and construction services for two tributary restoration projects at this site. The site included over 1,000 linear feet of stream that had been straight-lined, resulting in an incised channel that was disconnected from its floodplain. The riparian buffer along the stream was overrun with invasive species that were out-competing native species for resources.

Reference reach data was collected from stable, functioning streams in the nearby Tuskegee National Forest and used to determine target design channel dimensions such as bank height ratio, bankfull depth, and width-to-depth ratio.

Both Priority 1 and 2 natural channel design restoration techniques were utilized to reestablish floodplain connectivity, allowing the stream to deposit sediment and nutrient loads on the floodplain while dissipating erosive flood energy.
The main tributary to Saugahatchee Creek was restored as permittee-responsible offsite mitigation. GMC also united numerous public and private stakeholders to assist in restoring a smaller tributary on the property with EPA Section 319 funding.