DWSRF Water Meter Replacement and AMR System Rebid
Project # CMGM230097(3R)
- Owner
- Star Mindingall Water Authority
- Location
- Tuskegee, Alabama
- Bid Date
- October 15, 2024 10:30 am
- Bid Type
- Sealed Bid
- List of Bidders
- Vanguard Utility Service, Inc. - sales@vusinc.com
One Call Services of Alabama - Thutchison@onecallservices.net
Causey Underground Construction LLC - cundergroundc@gmail.com
Hemphill Construction Company, Inc. - bharrison@hemphillconstruction.com
Strata Services, Inc. - Billydavis@strataservices.net
Gaines Utility Construction Company, LLC - shanehopper@gainesplumbing.com
Utilities One, Inc. - michaels@utilitiesone.com
Central Plant Technologies, Inc. - cpti.kwells@gmail.com - Contact for Obtaining Bid Documents
- Download the Plan Order form located in the Bid Advertisement below. Complete the form and return via email to Ashley.Morris@gmcnetwork.com with a scanned copy of your plan deposit check. No credit cards are accepted.
- Additional Bid Information
- This project is being funded by SRF Project No. FS010542-01 and will require DBE documentation from the low, responsive, responsible bidder no later than 10 days after the bid opening. Prime contractor must solicit DBE subcontractors, if they are planning to use subs. DBE solicitations should be documented, preferably with a summary table of DBEs contacted, along with the supporting correspondence (email, letter, etc.).
All participants must comply with all federal requirements applicable to the Loan (including those imposed by the 2014 Appropriations Act and related SRF Policy Guidelines) which the Participant understands includes, among other, requirements that all of the iron and steel products used in the Project are to be produced in the United States (“American Iron and Steel Requirement”) and those imposed by the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Requirements. - Download Documents