Buchanan, Tennessee
Paris Landing State Park Lodge
102,000 square feet
The 91-room Lodge at Paris Landing State Park provides hotel resort-style vacation rentals on Kentucky Lake near land between the lakes. Features include modern room design, conference space, a full-service restaurant, bar, and lounge overlooking scenic lakes and natural beauty.

GMC provided architecture, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, landscape architecture, and interior design services for the project.

The replacement lodge was part of the State’s efforts to revitalize its park system. The scope of work included demolishing the original hotel and surrounding amenities, followed by the design and construction of the new Lodge.
The building has a waterfront feel reminiscent of the architectural styles of the coastal northeast and great lakes shoreline communities. This coastal style was blended with rustic and natural elements typically found in traditional state parks to create a unique experience that is inventing, relaxing, light and open.